D'accordo per mentire. Realtà e rappresentazione in Girard e Vattimo PDF Print Email
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Luca Bagetto


The article discusses the debate between Girard and Vattimo on the question of Christianity. It follows the Girard’s demand to remain faithful to the traditional orthodoxy – against Vattimo’s interpretation –, and also the criticism of the French thinker against the way Vattimo sees interpretation. It discusses also Girard’s self-criticism about his own interpretation of the Christian sacrifice in Des choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde. My thesis is that this self-criticism must draw Girard to abandon the evolutionary continuity of a progressive overtaking of the violence, and to embrace the perspective of a conflict inside God himself. Truth holds in itself the expulsion of truth, just like the law holds in itself the interruption of the law.


Luca Bagetto is associate professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Pavia, by the Faculty of Musicology in Cremona. He published studies on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, on philosophical school of Turin, on Hegel and on hermeneutics. He works currently on the relationship between law and its suspension, and on the problem of the irregular fighter.


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