La voce e l'ingiunzione etica. Per una fenomenologia della relazionalità vocale |
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Mario Vergani Abstract The article distinguishes between the concepts of semantic and vocalical, through an acoustic epoché, and it aims at analyzing the pragmatics of the vocal gesture, which is characterized by the elements of uniqueness and relationship. Discussing with several authors belonging to the phenomenological tradition, the essay dwells upon the inter-corporeity and the ethical import of the human voice. Finally two interpretative lines are compared. The first one, according to the lacanian tradition, analyzes the voice starting from the concept of desire; the second one, according to the levinasian tradition, starting from the concept of need.
Mario Vergani, researcher of theoretical philosophy at the University of Milano-Bicocca, studied at Milano, Leuven, Nanterre-Paris X and Padova. He published: Fatticità e genesi in Edmund Husserl (La nuova Italia, Firenze, 1998); Jacques Derrida (Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2000); Dell’aporia (Il Poligrafo, Padova, 2002); Dal soggetto al nome proprio. Fenomenologia della condizione umana tra etica e politica (Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2007). He edited italian translations of Husserl and Nancy and he is author of several essays for italian and international reviews. |