L'estetica delle due memorie Print
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Lluís Xabel Álvarez


The double presence of the facts – as a discourse or either as an action – reaches too to the condition of the socalled «historical memory». At last, the action of memory in the world of art eases both the Ontology of Debt and the paradox of the not-prescribed done evil. It’s that for that such a matter bring us to the theory of the two responsabilities: moral one and the aesthetic one. The proposal of this paper is to explain how the aesthetic responsibility deals with a new iconic cluster of images that lightens the unbearable tension of an Evil that already done don’t prescribes nevertheless any more.


Lluís Xabel Álvarez is full professor of estética y teoría de las artes at Universidad de Oviedo. Among his books: Signos estéticos y teoría (1986, 2005), La estética del Rey Midas (1992), Diálogu de Pumarín (1999), Falsas esperanzas (2001), Estética de la confianza (2006), Filosofía, política, religión, más allá del pensamiento débil (1996, ed. with Gianni Vattimo) and Hermenéutica y acción (1999, ed. with Gianni Vattimo).