Fra tradizione e modernità. La fiaba secondo i fratelli Grimm Print
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Francesco Forlin


The notion of tradition plays an important role in the fairy tale design proposed by the Brothers Grimm, since it allows modern man to stay in touch with his own heritage. This assumption implies a definition of modernity as antithetical to the world of fairy tale. Based on this definition, it is possible to track down, in the core themes of the fairy tales of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood and Hänsel and Grethel, what constitutes the specific feature of the elements presented in the version of the Grimm than those handed down by Basile and Perrault, in an attempt to outline the kind of modernity  that lays at the basis of the Weltanschauung of the two brothers.


Francesco Forlin is research fellow at the Chair of History of Philosophy, University of Perugia. His research interests concern the classical German philosophy and romanticism, on which he has written numerous essays and articles. Among the major publications we mention the monograph Limite e fondamento. Il problema del male in Schelling (Guerini e Associati, Milan 2005), the translation of Schelling essay  Sui miti. Saghe storiche e filosofemi del mondo antichissimo (Mimesis, Milan 2009) and the curatorship of the collective volume L’essenza della libertà. Guida alla lettura delle Ricerche Filosofiche di Schelling (Mimesis, Milan 2010).